The FORTRAN subroutines/functions are compiler/processor
dependent. If one is
using a Windows based 32-bit PC then I have provided .dll executables
will likely work. If one is using a UNIX or linux based system
then you will need to compile the code and create a shared
library. This is most easily accomplished through a simple
command of the form "R CMD SHLIB filename.f" issued at the UNIX/linux
prompt where one would normally enter "R" to begin the R session.
If all goes well, a file is created and this can be used
with R commands as indicated in the R code.
Information on creating and loading .dll/.so files is available from
Writing R Extensions link
. The
binspot file is for reading in the Qstar data, fitnessfuncf is
necessary for more quickly evaluating the genetic algorithm, and
findmleall is used for the boosting algorithm.