Readme:Abl signaling shapes the intrinsic fluctuations of actin to direct growth of a pioneer axon in Drosophila? data and code depository Description of contents within data depository for ÓAbl signaling shapes the intrinsic fluctuations of actin to direct growth of a pioneer axon in Drosophila.Ó Depository contains: Primary tracings of TSM1 axons: .SWC files are provided for each time point of 14 discrete WT, Abl KD, and Abl OE TSM1 growth trajectories. Actin intensity data: .CSV files containing the radially summed actin intensity, column E of spread sheet, along the axonal backbone, column D of spread sheet, are provided for each time point within 14 discrete WT, Abl KD, and Abl OE TSM1 growth trajectories. ActinAnalysisScript: A Mathematica script used to calculate features of individual actin distributions including second moments, peak locations, and Fisher Information. jensenShannonAnalysisofActinDistributions: A Mathematica script used to calculate the divergence between pairs of actin distributions.